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- From: Alex Constantine <alex@directnet.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: Ed Dames and Mind Control Cover Stories
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 23:57:53 -0700
- Lines: 282
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- Re: Ed Dames & Cover Stories for Mind Control
- Date: Wed, 05 Jun 1996 13:57:34 +0000
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- From: jobs.oPaul E. Lucero href= <ispeed@sj.znet.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (snip)
- > > Alex Constantine: (snip) (snip) The Agency's scientific
- > contracts were first handed around by Barnaby Keeney,
- > president of Brown University. In 1951, Brown took a
- > sabbatical to design a CIA trainee program and a system of
- > fronts to finance covert operations. In 1962 he was named
- > chairman of the Human Ecology Fund, the financial hub of
- > MKULTRA.8 By 1974, Michael Shapiro, a professor of law at
- > USC, could report in the Southern California Law Review,
- > "Psychotropic drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain
- > (ESB) by electrodes, psychosurgery and organic
- > conditioning techniques are now available for use by the
- > state in controlling criminal, sick or otherwise aberrant or
- > >unwanted behavior."
- >Alex:
- >I am sorry but the connection between the above subject and your
- >previous post (Dr. Frager) is not evident. Also I would note that (ESB)
- >has nothing to do with Remote Viewing.
- Your crtiticism is ludicrous. You snip a paragraph out of a long
- article about "remote viewing" as a cover story for mind control and insist
- that it be about you'd prefer to read? You chose the paragraph, why didn't
- you choose one about remote viewing? (I've posted my article below, so take
- your pick of paragraphs.) The paragraph above - which you posted so you
- could cry, "where are your sources?" and call me a liar, even after I've
- given you the (legitimate) sources - is about early CIA mind control, and
- establishes the background of the program that Dames would later enter.
- Stanford Research Institute was doing mind control experimentation under
- the cover of paranormal studies, as the Washington Post reported on August
- 7, 1977. You seem to have a problem with that. Too bad. It's reality.
- To address your anxiety over a mention of ESB, I mention ESB among
- a regimen of mind invasive torments to demonstrate why the CIA has
- something to hide, and needs cover stories to conceal its crimes, e.g.
- "remote viewing."
- >As for Michael Shapiro, so what!
- Michael Shapiro was central to the CIA's mind control program.
- Can't you stand to hear that? My article is, after all, about mind control
- before anything else.
- >None of the above is in any way valuable in determining the usefulness
- >of Remote Viewing. Now if your trying to say that this is Satanic or
- >Demon related why don't you just say it?
- You are of course referring to the lonely little paragraph that you
- selected and demand it be about something else. What in the hell do
- "demons" have to do with anything? That is a very weird statement.
- > Paul Lucero: Ok, I get it you know everything right! Listen
- > I think you full of bull. Where are your sources?
- Alex Constantine: My Sources: Ralph McGeehee's CIABase;
- John Marks, Search for the Manchurian Candidate; The
- Southern California Law Review (as stated in the text) and
- the notes of the late Mae Brussell. The {published} version
- will be fully (annotated). Your ignorance is dangerous, Paul
- Lucero. Behind the cover stories people are suffering human
- experimentation, while you and people like you carry on
- like spoiled, ignorant children.
- >Alex I do not know everything, but I do know when I a getting a load of
- >BS dumped into my News group reader.
- You just can't stand it that someone is exposing CIA mind control?
- too bad.
- >As to your sources: I 've had
- >many opportunities to deal with lawyers and one of my family members
- >currently serve as judge in the state of California, however I do not
- >believe the possession of a law degree in any way qualifies the holder
- >to make comprehensive statement on subject like Remote Viewing.
- That's odd, circuitous logic. I wouldn't even call it logic. You
- simply break out in hives if someone writes about CIA mind control. Get a
- library card and find out for yourself if you can't stand to hear it from
- me.
- >Also thanks for your efforts I rarely get a post that is not full of
- >mis-spelled words.
- How do I affect the messages you receive from others? You just
- have to blame people, don't you?
- > Come on Alex you can do better than this. Remember, the burden
- >of proof is always on the one that is posting. You have yet to convince
- >me.
- The unexpurgated article below makes supported statements you
- reject. I leave it to others less belligerent to draw their own
- conclusions.
- >Oh by the way I am dangerous, but not for the over simplistic reason you
- >postulate.
- Oh, you are "dangerous." Then I'd best call the police and tell
- them about you. Thanks for the confession. I'll show it to the police. You
- are dangerous in your ignorance too, as I say.
- Posted below is the entire story. If you can't accept it, I'm
- sorry, but it will all come out eventually, so you might as well get used
- to it now. If you want to argue without taking stupid, cheap shots and
- boasting about how "dangerous" you are, let me know. - Alex Constantine
- Ed Dames & Cover Stories for Mind Control Experimentation
- Alex Constantine
- Ed Dames, a proprietor of Psi-Tech - a "remote viewing"
- service in Beverly Hills, California founded by a clique of
- former intelligence officers - explains to late night radio
- talk show host Art Bell how the company's sole product - psi
- - is channeled: "This is a very structured technique, the
- remote viewer sitting at a desk with a ream of white paper
- and a pen. Using ['remote-viewing'] protocols, they first
- perceive a target. They're not told what the target is, only
- given a random number. Their unconscious minds are taught to
- do all the work, viewing the target first as sort of a
- 'thought-ball,' if you will.
- "The next stage is sensory perceptions. They elaborate,
- download and objectify in words and sketches the colors,
- textures, the smells and taste, the sounds, the temperatures
- and the dimensions present at the site." Dames lets on that
- his psychics constructed clay models of the Unabomber's
- bombs, "that sort of thing," for a "federal agency." It
- doesn't come to him that all of this may sound a bit
- far-fetched and grandiose, the paranormal hardwired to the
- trappings of computer science, not to mention blatant
- disinformation. His firm is building clay models when remote
- viewing could, if the "protocols" worked as advertised, have
- pinpoint a killer's location. After all, says Dames, "if the
- 'target' is a terrorist - Saddam Hussein or Abu Nidal - we
- go in through the back door. We can be in their minds, in
- their dreams." A company brochure reports that Psi-Tech was
- founded in 1989, employing "a select, technically qualified
- group of professional analysts who provide a unique data
- collection capability not available anywhere else in the
- world. We are a team of highly-trained remote viewing
- specialists [who've] developed applied remote viewing into a
- powerful investigative tool."
- Dames rambles on, a metaphysical comic book narrative, but
- assures us this is serious business. During the Gulf Crisis,
- one Psi-Tech client, "a large company with strategic oil
- interests in the Mid East," called on Dames and his
- telepaths "to provide data and analysis on Saddam himself,
- his mind (intent, motivation, emotional and behavioral
- states), to penetrate his war room for information
- concerning battle plans, operations, force strengths and
- possible deception schemes, and to provide a six-month
- general outlook for the Gulf region."
- Major Dames is schooled in military intelligence, and the
- former commanding officer of the Army's "Psychic Espionage
- Unit," which operated under DIA and Army INSCOM charter.2 He
- is also a chronic confabulator, the chief Plumber of the
- "Stargate" psychic spying scandal. He draws his intelligence
- background from the shadows like the priest's robes Jim
- Garrison recovered from the closet of David Ferrie, the
- Kennedy assassination suspect. In the past, he acknowledges,
- "I have been involved in a lot of very, very deep, dark
- black projects." "I have never been assigned to a unit that
- has suffered more ostracism, been looked upon with more
- fear." In the late '70s, he admits, the unit was "associated
- with the occult. It gave the unit a bad name."
- And Dames as well. Wherever you stand in the ESP debate,
- Psi-Tech was formed in the caul of the intelligence
- underground's "occult" projects, a world of flying disks,
- cosmic telepathy, teleportation, cosmic voyages and
- communication with house plants. The "psychic spying" unit,
- Dames gloats (ignoring the compulsory secrecy oath?), has
- provided services to the CIA, NSA, DIA, DEA, Navy and Air
- Force under the watch of a panel chaired by Army General
- Stan Hyman. The group led by Dames was one of several
- paranormal divisions run by the DIA and the Secretary of the
- Army, code-named Sun Streak, Grill Flame, Center Lane,
- Scanate and Stargate.
- Dames's coevals in the military-metaphysical complex
- included General Albert Stubblebine, the retired director of
- Army intelligence INSCOM, and a Psi-Tech co-founder. Another
- is David Morehouse, Ph.D., an executive officer of the
- Second Battalion and deputy of the 82nd Airborne Division
- until 1994, when he resigned. Morehouse is the author of
- Comes the Watcher: The True Story of a Military Psychic Spy,
- and Peace Quest: Visions of Future War, a glorification of
- nonlethal weapons. He is also the producer of a
- Hanna-Barbara cartoon series, Peace Force: The Avalon
- Odyssey, about aliens defending the galaxy with advanced
- weapons. Morehouse is also a vice president at Paraview, a
- television production company with headquarters in
- Manhattan.
- The occult is a recurring theme in this milieu. "They have
- no idea what they're dealing with," observes Rod Lewis, a
- spokesman for the American Federation of Scientists. "Of
- course, the immediate speculation is that they're dealing
- with the demonic realm.'" Demonic? "It's a Greek word for
- 'disembodied intelligence.' Apparently it's something they
- take very seriously, and unfortunately they're trying to use
- it for military purposes."
- One corporation, in coordination with the CIA, took part,
- Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
- with corporate headquarters in San Diego. SAIC is directed
- by some of the highest-ranking oligarchs of the DoD and
- intelligence groups: former NSA Director Bobby Ray Inman,
- the CIA's John Deutch, William Perry, Clinton's secretary of
- defense from ESL, Inc. (part owner of Area 51), Melvin
- Laird, defense secretary under Nixon, and Donald Kerr,
- former director of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The
- CIA"covets" remote viewing as a source of intelligence,
- Dames boasts.6 In reality, the Agency covets his
- metaphysical cover stories, schizoid pablum that direct
- attention from blatant human rights violations. The Taos
- Hum, he confides, is a 17 hz. "time beacon" that pumps
- pulses of gravity into space, an invisible light house for
- time-travelling extraterrestrials. Psi-Tech's remote
- viewers, he says, have located and drawn diagrams of the
- "alien beacon" of Taos, (and all along residents thought it
- was a classified electromagnetic device attuned to the
- brain's auditory frequencies.)
- Mars is "super-important" - Psi-Tech's telepaths have
- discovered a breed of "alien" that hails from Mars, ferried
- to earth by wayfarers from a remote civilization known as
- The Federation. The time-travelling aliens store their mind
- control gear in "parking garages" on the moon's surface.
- Since Psi-Tech has "confirmed" that Bug-Eyes are abducting
- human beings, out goes the thesis that scientists are
- conducting illicit biological experiments and dropping off
- the subjects with hypnotic memories of "alien" abduction ...
- Then again, the paranormal fantasies spun by Dames, a
- veteran of the CIA's UFO "Working Group," could be
- interpreted as a veil for ruthless experimentation and the
- torture of anyone falling into disfavor with the
- intelligence community.
- In fact, the deep history of Psi-Tech is a chapter of a much
- larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious
- programming, "alien" invasions and other forms of irrational
- belief. The surface of the underground movement is populated
- by seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants. Underneath,
- a hidden world of terror - with origins in the waste of
- warstruck Europe and the beating hearts of some of Nazi
- Germany's most ruthless military scientists. From these cold
- chambers exploded many of the mysteries that have since
- riddled the postwar world. One sector of the virtual
- government, the mind control and biocybernetics group, was
- born in academia. The goal of the research, to gain "control
- of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding
- against his will and even against such fundamental laws of
- human nature as self-preservation."
- The Agency's scientific contracts were first handed around
- by Barnaby Keeney, president of Brown University. In 1951,
- Brown took a sabbatical to design a CIA trainee program and
- a system of fronts to finance covert operations. In 1962 he
- was named chairman of the Human Ecology Fund, the financial
- hub of MKULTRA.8 By 1974, Michael Shapiro, a professor of
- law at USC, could report in the Southern California Law
- Review, "Psychotropic drugs, electrical stimulation of the
- brain (ESB) by electrodes, psychosurgery and organic
- conditioning techniques are now available for use by the
- state in controlling criminal, sick or otherwise aberrant or
- unwanted behavior."
- [ ... ]